Wednesday, May 12, 2004


Not the New York Times... but "The Times in New York" instead!

"Great Talk! Very interesting data! It is very rare that in such early stage of your work one can already see a story" (PostDoc)

"By the way, great presentation!" (PostDoc)

"Well done Inês. Very well prepared and analysed!" (MD PhD student)

"Very good lab meeting!" (PhD Student)

"Were you nervous? I couldn't tell! Comparing to other "1st time" lab meetings this was definitelly one of the best! Rank #1" (Technician)

"I'm impressed!!!" (Boss)

(in "The Times in New York" :))

Sei que um pouco de modéstia nao fica mal a ninguém mas, da mesma forma que partilho os momentos maus, também gosto de o fazer quando as coisas correm bem. Assim, eis algumas das frases que ouvi após ter dado a minha 1ª Lab Meeting. Confesso que fiquei toda orgulhosa! Embora as circunstâncias emocionais nao sejam as melhores de há um tempo para cá, fiquei contente por me saber capaz de separar profissional de pessoal e ser um "projecto" de cientista competente.
Bem, enough of enjoying this moment... time to prepare the next!

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